Vision Park Burnley Phase One work starts on site
Trebor Developments, working in partnership with Burnley Borough Council, have commenced on site at the prestigious Vision Park site, Burnley. Barnfield Construction has been selected by Trebor as main contractor and completion of Phase One, which includes starter units from 800 sq.ft and business workspace up to 10,000 sq ft, will complete in September 2017.
The Vision Park development has been supported by a £1.7m grant from the Lancashire Enterprise Partnership (LEP), which will see the complete site remediation and infrastructure for all phases implemented, with construction of Phase One workspace funded by Burnley Council to support the council’s objectives to bring forward hi-spec business space for start-ups and expansion space for growing businesses in key sectors.
Trebor are also promoting Phases Two and Three of Vision Park, for which the site is being prepared to allow quick implementation of occupiers’ requirements for office, industrial, hybrid and hi-tech manufacturing accommodation on a design to build basis from 10,000 sq ft to 35,000 sq ft.
Bob Tattrie, Managing Partner, for Trebor commented: “We are delighted to see the Vision Park site being built, which will establish the park as the premier employment location in Burnley, with its location next to UCLan and in close proximity to the town centre. We expect strong occupier interest in the speculative units being built for Phase One and for the future phases at Vision Park.
Burnley Council Leader, Mark Townsend, said: “Burnley Council has invested in the construction of Phase one workspace units to contribute to the economic growth of the borough and to help grow new and existing businesses leading to the creation of new jobs in key growth sectors including hi-tech manufacturing and digital. The council investment forms part of our commercialisation strategy to generate new income streams.
“Burnley Council’s Business Support Team will be responsible for the day to day management of the business space in Phase One. The team are highly experienced in putting together tailored support solutions to meet the needs of individual businesses, working closely with businesses looking to relocate onto Vision Park to identify potential areas of support that will enable businesses to maximise their growth plans.“
Graham Cowley, Chair of the Lancashire Enterprise Partnership’s (LEP) Growth Deal Management Board, said: “When complete, Burnley Vision Park will provide a world-class location for advanced manufacturing and digital businesses. Its high-quality accommodation will be complemented by links with nearby UCLan and Burnley College, enabling it to offer cutting-edge skills and employment initiatives.
“The LEP is investing across Lancashire in major projects like this, designed to drive growth and create high value, high skilled jobs in important sectors of our economy. This is a key part of our ambitious growth strategy to transform the county’s economy over the next decade.”
For further details on the hi-spec workspace opportunities in Phase One, and the business support package offer, which includes access to a business mentor, access to the adjacent UCLan business support services and the use of Burnley College engineering facilities, contact Burnley Council’s Business Support Team on 01282 477206.
Trebor are represented by local agents, Trevor Dawson, and Manchester based agent GVA. Proposals are now available on a leasehold and freehold basis for Phase 1, 2 and 3.
Photograph L/R James Webber (Barnfield Construction) and Bob Tattrie (Trebor Developments) join Cllr Mark Townsend (Leader of Burnley Council) with Graham Cowley (Chair of LEP’s Growth Deal Management Board), Daniel Rhodes (EC Harris) and Dan Labella of Fairhurst Design Group as they look over the plans for the new Vision Park.